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All first-time users will need to register to participate in the 2020 NAMS Virtual Annual Meeting available to you
Every woman who survives the middle-age stage of life will experience menopause. Worldwide the number of women aged 50 years and older is projected to grow significantly. Register today to hear the latest information about menopause and midlife women’s health. The virtual program will include:
- Menopause 101 Course: Building the Foundation
- Pre-Meeting Symposium: Menopause Symptom Management in 2020
- Plenary Symposia: Cardiovascular Disease, Hormone Therapy, Weight Management, Sleep, Anxiety, Cognition, Sexual Concerns, Primary Ovarian Insufficiency, Contraception, New Guidelines on GSM, Osteoporosis, and Female Pattern Hair Loss and Androgen Excess
- Special Lectures
- Access to Product Theater and Exhibit Hall
- Poster Presentations